gainsbourg movie
gainsbourg movie


Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life


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Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (original title: Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque)) is a 2010 French drama film written and directed by Joann Sfar.

Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life

Best-selling comic book artist Joann Sfar delivers an inventive biography of famed French singer Serge Gainsbourg (Eric Elmosnino).


A completely original take on one of France's greatest mavericks, the illustrious and infamous Jewish singer-songwriter, Serge Gainsbourg.


Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life ... A glimpse at the life of French singer Serge Gainsbourg, from growing up in 1940s.

Serge Gainsbourg(1928

Known for ; Barbara Sukowa in Equator (1983). Equator. 4.7 ; Jane Birkin and Joe Dallesandro in Je t'aime moi non plus (1976). Je t'aime moi non plus. 5.9 ; Death ...


2011年10月26日 — The movie unreels his musical biography with an unending series of tastes of songs and performances. You may be surprised by how many you ...


It might be thinly written and messily made, but Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life is also appropriately glamorous and intense -- and powerfully led by a gripping ...

Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life

2011年7月26日 — Taking the best from LA VIE EN ROSE and AMÉLIE, renowned comic book artist Joann Sfar's GAINSBOURG: A HEROIC LIFE is a completely original ...

